36 wks!! Holy crap….this is gonna happen. We're finally starting to step up our preparations. We went stroller shopping as we now will need a double stroller. I didn't realize it was going to be like buying car. So many options, none of them exactly right.
Here is how they stacked up:
#1: $750.00 loved the maneuverability but the baby in the back can't see anything.
#2: $739.00 Much more adjustable, but sucks to fold up as you have to remove one seat and it requires two hands to fold, oh and it's $739.00 that is crazy!!
#3. $239.00 a bit like an SUV of strollers, big and bulky but gets the job done. Also has a one hand twist that folds and unfolds the entire thing. Both babies can see ok. However, the place we went to (I won't mention the name) only seemed interested in selling the really expensive ones and didn't even really want to show us the cheaper one. We had to grab it ourselves and demo it ourselves. We decided we still needed to do more research. UGh……it's just a stroller right? If anybody has any suggestions we would love to hear them.
Have you looked at the BOB Revolution duallie? LLbean sells it online for $629, and they have a 20% off code right now, making it $503. They are very popular strollers.