Wednesday, October 27, 2010

13 wk NT test....not awesome!

Well, we had our first medical screening. Walking out it was odd to think that used to be all there was. We wonder if it really was as bad as we thought or if we would have thought it was awesome years before. The lady was pretty crabby, and had a hard time getting the shot for the NT. It was right there...I could see it...I wanted to help her, but I sat silent. Finally she got the shots, confirmed that it was great (we already knew that).

The room was set up so it was hard to see, they had an extra screen but it was small and across the room. The grainy pictures that were on the heat roller paper were hardly worth looking at. She probably thought we didn't care, because we hardly glanced at them. I asked a couple questions and the lady got super defensive and asked if I worked in the medical field since I knew the terms. I said yes, and then she quickly ended the scan.

It was cool to see the baby, but wow what a difference from what we do, to what gets done there. We'll post some pictures from our medical scan just for reference but we have to find time scan them into our computer since we didn't get a CD of jpg images. Oh, and we're going to get a bill for $1,500 for this, what a kicker. I was going to ask if she could look at the gender tubercle, for an early gender screening but the lady was way too crabby for that. I was curious if she would find what I found.

Heart rate 155 (has nothing to do with gender, just gestational age) it will decrease as this baby grows. We are happy that everything checked out well, and I fully understand the pressure diagnostic techs have. At the same time I think this makes us even more determined to make sure people's visit with us the polar opposite of that. As we walked out Sheri, they sure don't tell you much. I had also forgotten that when we did some scans at our office I was teasing her and said she had placenta previa and would probably need a C-section, so she swatted me for making her worry. I can't even blame that on pregnancy brain, I'm sure Sheri will get me back.

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