Saturday, November 27, 2010

17wks, last chance for gender vote

Well...time is flying by. We are 17 wks plus now. Gender is pretty clear as far as I'm concerned, but we'll give people one more look before we totally give it away. :-)

Things have been going very well, blood tests so far have been great and sheri is tired, but overall feeling pretty good considering.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

14 wks, 3D Pics and gender...we'll see if you can guess it.

14 wks, finally took time to take a few more pictures. Amazing how much the baby has grown. We could see the brain structure which looks very good. Took time to count all fingers and toes, look at the spine, and structure of the heart and all looks very well. Also, took a gender shot to follow up on my 11wk genital tubercle look.

Still a little sea monkey, but it's our sea monkey and we're very excited about each step of the process. We added a new name that we hadn't considered when we started the voting process.

Oh, heart rate was 157. For anyone trying to correlate that with gender.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Welcome to the 2nd tri!

Tonight I just found out that sheri has slept through the last however many weeks of our favorite shows. She just now realized how much she actually missed, to which I replied "hey hun welcome back to your life and into the second trimester".